
  • Natural macaw nests in Tambopata

    august 19, 2024

  • How camera traps work and what we can learn from them

    august 02, 2024

    Camera traps, these days, are essential tools in the study of wildlife. These devices allow us to have records of the an...

  • Insects: The little creatures that run the world

    august 02, 2024

    “Insects are the little creatures that move the world. They are the main elements in the balance of nature. Without in...

  • Brazilian Nuts in Tambopata: The Giant Trees of the Amazon and the Nuts of the Gods

    may 15, 2024

    The Amazon forests have long been a source of important resources for human activities. Since the rubber era and the exp...

  • A day in the life of an 8 Primates project trainee in Tambopata

    may 09, 2023

  • Discovering New Species is winner at Premios Verdes 2022 in Miami

    april 30, 2022

  • Discovering New Species finalist in Premios Verdes 2022

    january 06, 2022

  • Mnioes poncei a new species of scorpion wasp

    october 16, 2021

  • Apu mooreorum a new species in honor of Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

    october 16, 2021

  • Harpy Diaries 9: Elpis, The Juvenile Harpy Eagle and the Anaconda

    august 03, 2021

  • Strangler figs: Silent assassins, diversity engines, rainforest timekeepers

    june 19, 2019

  • How to Become a Citizen Scientist in the Peruvian Amazon

    october 05, 2018

  • Make science happen in the Amazon

    july 27, 2018

    We now offer a fun and interactive activity in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Our citizen science projects develope...

  • Harpy Diaries 8: Remembering the first steps of Elpis, the Harpy Eagle!

    may 17, 2018

  • Harpy Diaries 7: Elpis, The Harpy Eagle Chick Is 9 Months Old

    march 30, 2018

  • Harpy Diaries 6: Is the harpy eagle chick male or female ?

    january 28, 2018

  • Harpy Diaries 5: Chick Spreading Its Wings

    november 18, 2017

  • Harpy Diaries 4: Where's Dad? Revealing the secrets of harpy eagle parenting behavior

    october 07, 2017

  • The Succession Rhapsody: from sand to Amazon rainforest 

    august 26, 2017